March 2015

Some Writing on Writing

I really enjoy writing. I built an app to get more people writing daily.

My favorite writing on writing might be this Paul Graham essay on essays. The takeaway: the word “essay" comes from the French word “essayer" which means “to try”. Essays are an attempt to answer a question.

I write to warm up my thinking rather than to present definitive conclusions. A brilliant example of this is David Foster Wallace’s Just Asking.

My friend’s sister is a writer and she sees writing the way an athlete views exercise. If she goes a day or two without writing, she feels sluggish and lethargic. I’m starting to feel that way too.

I care what you think about me as a writer, but I am trying to fight that by publishing here despite feeling self-conscious about it.

I am not using a blogging platform because it’s kind of fun and whimsical to go and edit the HTML for each post. I’m toying with removing all the CSS too but I won’t subject you to that.

Here are three examples of writing I love.